Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Run, Kirstie, Run!

I can walk. I can squat. I can even lunge (boo ya!). But I can't run. Yet. I had never actually tested the whole running theory until today. I definitely do not have clearance from my Physio to run at this point in my rehabilitation. A year ago I questioned whether or not I'd ever be able to run again. Now, given my sweet cartilage and the progress that I am making, I am optimistic that some day I will run. Not like in a marathon or anything, but that has never interested me. I just wanna have running as an option - you know, like if someone is chasing me or whatever...for survival. That's how I realized today that running is not yet a verb in my knee's vocabulary. My survival instincts kicked in. I wasn't being robbed. I wasn't being chased by a rabid dog. I was; however, being attacked by a rather brisk -40 degree celsius windchill in the hospital parking lot. I was heading to my vehicle, frigid wind whipping at my face, when suddenly instinct took over, and without even considering my knee, I began to break into a run. Well, my brain thought that I was running. I wasn't actually "running," I was kinda...well..."rimping" (run/limp). About halfway to my vehicle, I became cognizant of what my body was doing - a left legged long jump with speed - I was even pumping my arms with each "stride." Oh dear.  I stopped suddenly, wondering if anyone in the hospital had witnessed my pathetic attempt to reach my vehicle without freezing to the cement. Embarrassed, I adjusted my scarf and continued the rest of my journey with a super cool saunter.

So... lesson learned. My body forgot how to run. We will have to work on that. How strange to realize that something that was once so automatic is temporarily out of commission. Apparently my vision of suddenly breaking into a perfect stride is not realistic. Damn you, Forrest Gump, for painting an unrealistic view of rehab.

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